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02.03.2023 / 3 minute read

Gamebore invested in a 4,500mm high Advanced Handling goods lift with a 1,250kg capacity to transport goods between their three floor factory.

Key points –   Key points –   Key points –  

  • Lift still performing well 4 years later.
  • Maintenance plan in place to increase the working life of the lift.
  • Fully compliant with the latest health & safety regulations.

Product: Industrial & Warehouse Lifts

Who is Gamebore?

Gamebore Cartridge Co. Ltd. Has been manufacturing English shotgun cartridges for Game & Clay since 1973. One of their mantras is “quality comes first without any compromises” and to support this, they use only the finest of processes and components during manufacturing to produce their world-renowned cartridges.

  • The Challenge

    Gamebore’s existing lift was becoming more temperamental as time went by and when it stopped complying with the latest health and safety regulations, they knew they needed to invest in something new to ensure they used the safest and most up-to-date solutions.

  • The Solution

    Advanced Handling visited Gamebore’s site to assess the situation before recommending an appropriate lift specification to meet their needs.

    Advanced Handling designed, manufactured and installed a 4,500mm high goods lift with a 1,250kg capacity which travelled from the ground floor to the first floor and finally to the second floor so goods could be loaded and unloaded on every level.

    To increase the robustness and durability, the lift was built with an adapted double mast so it was structurally stronger and could be installed through an existing aperture in the concrete floor to minimise impact during installation.

    The platform dimensions were designed specifically to fit two pallet loads of goods in at once and to maximise space even further, roller shutters were used instead of hinged doors. The shutter had a safety device built in to prevent the door closing if obstructed in any way.

    The controls were also mounted away from the lift so the forklift drivers could remain seated whilst loading the lift making loading and unloading easier for operatives.

    Due to the success of the first lift, Gamebore purchased a second bespoke goods lift from us, this time an external one which travelled from the ground floor up to the second floor (bypassing the first floor). This smaller lift was built to transport single pallets weighing up to 1,250kg and like the first lift, used roller shutters and external controls as Gamebore had recognised how much of a benefit these features were to the operators.

    In addition to investing in these two lifts, Gamebore also took out service contracts with Advanced Handling, ensuring both lifts were serviced annually in October to ensure they’re working to at their full potential. This has kept both lifts running and in fantastic condition since installation in 2015/16.

  • The Benefits

    Gamebore can now transport their products from the goods-in area outside and into storage as well as transport their materials and parts between floors safely and efficiently with the knowledge that they’re fully compliant with the current regulations. The extra annual service agreement provides Gamebore peace of mind that the lifts are working at their optimum and their working life is prolonged.

    If you’re facing a similar challenge in your workplace, contact us on 01778 345 365 or email & we’ll be happy to help.

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